Veneers are a Quick Way to Remedy Many Common Smile Flaws

A woman smiling

Very few people are born with perfect teeth, and over time, most people develop stains, cracks, and chips in their teeth. A number of habits, such as drinking and eating dark colored and acidic foods, as well as smoking, can cause your teeth to become discolored. Furthermore, teeth grinding and accidents can result in chips and cracks to your teeth that affect the quality of your smile.

At Skyview Dentistry in Charlotte, North Carolina, our team of highly skilled dentists have the treatments you need to get a picture-perfect smile. Seti Byrd, DMD, Jennifer D’Silva, DDS, and David Bunn, DDS, provide a full range of dental care services to support you and your family’s goal of having healthy, beautiful teeth. Our dentists have many years of experience installing veneers, a highly versatile cosmetic dental treatment that can correct a variety of imperfections in your teeth to give you a beautiful smile. 

What are veneers?

Veneers are thin shells that are permanently bonded to the fronts of your teeth to correct a variety of dental imperfections. They’re made of porcelain or resin, and they’re custom-made, so they’ll fit your teeth perfectly. Furthermore, they’re tinted to match your natural tooth color. 

What can veneers treat?

Veneers can address a wide variety of dental issues, including:

  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Cracked teeth
  • Large gaps between teeth
  • Discolorations that don’t respond to whitening
  • Misshapen or overly small teeth
  • Wear and tear on the surfaces of your teeth

By placing veneers on problematic teeth, they can reinforce the structural integrity of your teeth, fill in gaps, make your teeth appear evenly sized, and make your smile pearly white. 

What is getting veneers like?

We make the process of getting veneers easy and comfortable. First, your dentist will discuss your goals and examine your teeth. Then, X-rays will be taken of your teeth to make sure they’re suitable for veneers.

If your teeth are suitable, your dentist will remove a small portion of enamel from the teeth that are getting veneers. This is so your veneers will bond to your teeth and also so they won’t stick out. Then your dentist will make impressions of your teeth to ensure that the custom-made veneers fit your teeth perfectly. These impressions will then be sent to a dental laboratory, where your veneers will be made. 

Once your veneers are ready, you’ll return to our office to have them fitted to your teeth. Your dentist will use a special adhesive to affix the veneers to your teeth, carefully adjusting them for the perfect fit. 

Once your veneers are installed, no one will be able to tell you have veneers. They’ll blend in perfectly with your other teeth and give you a great smile. Veneers last for a very long time, and you won’t have to do any special maintenance beyond your regular brushing, flossing, and professional cleanings. 

To learn more about veneers and to see if they can help you, book an appointment online or over the phone with Skyview Dentistry today.


We look forward to meeting you. Call 704.632.7700 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.